
Welcome To Lloyd Park!

This page has all the information you need to live in Lloyd Park.

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We have common recycling, compost, and garbage collection bins. These get picked up on Tuesday and Monday of every week. In the bicycle room we also have bins for recycling your plastic bags, batteries, and CFL light bulbs. The code to unlock the garbage bin is 1509 (the same as our address).

Compost Bing (green rolling cart)

YES — put these items in your green compost roll cart
food scrap items


green cart icon

Food scraps

  • meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, bones
  • eggs and eggshells, cheese, dairy products
  • bread, baked goods, pasta, rice, beans, nuts, seeds
  • coffee grounds, filters, tea bags
  • vegetables and fruit
  • paper napkins and paper towels
  • pizza delivery boxes
  • table scraps, plate scrapings, leftovers, spoiled food
Yard DebrisPumpkin

Yard debris

  • weeds, leaves, vines, grass
  • small branches (less than 4 in thick and 36 in long)
  • flowers
  • house plants
  • plant clippings
  • pumpkins

NO – keep these items out of your compost roll cart

  • plastic and produce bags
  • non-approved compostable plastic bags
  • compostable plastic takeout containers and utensils
  • paper plates, cups and cartons
  • coffee cups
  • fast food wrappers, packaging, takeout containers and waxed paper
  • facial tissue
  • pet waste
  • cat litter
  • animal bedding (including straw and chicken manure)
  • animal carcasses from hunting and fishing waste
  • large amounts of grease, cooking oil and liquid
  • fireplace ashes
  • dirt, rocks, sod
  • lumber, treated wood, sawdust, stumps
  • large branches (more than 4 in thick or 36 in long)
  • Styrofoam™, metal and glass
  • corks
  • diapers (including those labelled “compostable” or “biodegradable”)
  • textiles, clothing, linens, shoes
  • household garbage

Garbage Dumpster

garbage itemsInclude: Paper plates, coffee cups, freezer boxes, takeout containers, wrappers, facial tissue, Styrofoam™, plastic containers labeled compostable, rigid clamshells, painted or stained wood, plywood, incandescent light bulbs.





garbage items that must be bagged

Must be bagged: Pet waste, cat litter, diapers, feminine hygiene products, ashes, sawdust, packaging peanuts, broken glass.

Cooking oil in sealed containers

Place in sealed container: Kitchen fats, oil, grease.


Computers, CFL bulbs do not go in garbage

Do not include: Computers, monitors and TVs, hazardous waste, chemicals, compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).
Electronics should be recycled at Free Geek (located at 1731 SE 10th Ave) and CFL bulbs can go in the bin inside the bike room.

Mixed Recycling (blue bins)

mixed paper recyclingPaper: Newspapers, magazines, catalogs, phone books, flattened cardboard boxes, scrap paper, junk mail, cartons (milk, juice, soup). Shredded paper must be in paper bag

mixed plastic recyclingPlastic: Bottles with a neck and tubs (6 oz. or larger), plant pots (4″ or larger), buckets (5 gal. or smaller). Rinse. Discard lids.

metal recycling itemsMetal: Aluminum, tin and steel food cans, empty dry metal paint cans, empty aerosol cans, aluminum foil, scrap metal (smaller than 30″ and less than 30 lbs).

Do not include plastic bags, to-go cups, etcDo not include: Plastic bags (go in bin inside bike room), plastic lids, diapers, freezer boxes, coffee cups, pesticide or herbicide bottles, propane cylinders, household garbage, light bulbs, drinking glasses, flower vases, ceramics, broken glass.


Glass Recycling

glass bottles and jarsGlass bottles and jars only: Mix all colors together. Rinse. Labels OK. Separate from other recyclables.

Do not include broken glassDo not include: Light bulbs, drinking glasses, flower vases, ceramics, broken glass.

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